Who We Are

“We are committed for rural transformation with infrastructure laid development specially focused on aviation. Certaining/ Synergizing and being a bridge between rural producing economy to urban market places. Not only MADC is infrastructure development company but airport operator managing two major airports Shirdi and Nagpur. We are also reinventing ourself to provide delightful environment for aviation experience. As SPA of Nagpur and Shirdi we are committed to goal of sustainability and carbon neutralization. Our trust is on modernization and augmentation of the latest technology to increase efficiency and to cull out redundancies. Our biggest strength lies in our commitment to development and local partners in all our endeavor”.

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Shri. Devendra Fadnavis

Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of Maharashtra and Chairman, MADC

Smt.Swati Pandey, IPoS

Vice Chairman and Managing Director, MADC

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