Project Identification and Evaluation
This will be initiated by Engineering Dept. along with inputs from economic evaluation team and other concerned dept. and outcome of same be presented to the competent authority for approval. The detailed evaluation may be undertaken in-house or through external agencies depending upon decisions taken by management of MADC.
Survey and Studies (DPR/Feasibility Report Preparation/Co-ordination)
The consultant to be appointed for conducting necessary survey and studies in order to prepare the DPR containing master plan, environmental studies, estimation, detailed design etc.
Contracting and Contract Management
Development of contract for various works with the help of the consultant appointed, floating of tender, signing of contract, commencement of works (financial closure of the project in case of BOT project), monitoring of the contract.
Government / Regulatory Co-ordination
Co-ordination with GOM, AAI, DGCA, Defence, local government and several other agencies during the stage of project planning, implementation and operations.
Monitoring of works
Monitoring of works involve the quality and quantity certification by the PMC and on-site team. Regarding payment of works, request to be initiated by the Engineering Dept. and payment to be processed by the Accounts Dept. after necessary examination and consultation with Engineering Dept.
Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
The external advisors will be appointed as per the contract terms. Depending upon the increased scale of business operations, the legal department can be framed which will undertake the work related to dispute resolution and arbitration with the help of Engineering Dept.
Maintenance of Infrastructure
The Engineering Department will carry out the periodic and regular maintenance of the infrastructure developed with the help of in-house team and appointment of agencies in some cases to increase the life of assets and to keep the assets in operational conditions.